Edward Stone III





Welcome to my Website!
If you're motivated to get healthier and stronger, you've come to the right place.
  My full name is Charles Edward Stone III. 
I do prefer “Edward.” I'm originally from Columbia, South Carolina. I am now a 20 plus year resident of Atlanta, Georgia.  I was fortunate to have as imagegenerous and loving parenting as a child could want growing up.  Despite these advantages I've


suffered more than my share of adversity throughout life.  More important though is what I’ve done when faced with such challenges. Better personal fitness is the one constant through these yearsthat has best enabled me to evolve and become a better me- professionally and personally. I have been pursuing greater health primarily through cardio vascular exercise and resistance training for over 25 years.  Gaining better fitness+health for myself andfor others and allthat it enables has become the grounding activity and principle for my life. It's no secret fitness training has been proven to prevent disease, strengthen your health and improve your confidence and outlook on life.


As a mature, experienced fitness fanatic I chose to first become a ISSA-certified fitness professional. I can help you set realistic goals and transform your health and your life for the better. I can help you look and feel your best and enjoy yourself along the way.

As someone who constantly seeks new knowledge I'm ALSO  pursuing additional Personal Trainer Certification-with NASM-National Academy of Sports Medicine.

To get in touch with me, just click on "Contact Me" and


Thanks for visiting. Make it a great day. Call or text me  404-422-9763




